Children are naturally curious, and as they grow, they inevitably become curious about the topic of sex. As parents, it's our responsibility to provide them with accurate information and address their questions with sensitivity and age-appropriateness. Here are six thoughtful answers to common questions kids may ask about sex.

1. What is sex?
Answer: Sex (meaning sexual activity) is a term that describes a special, intimate way that adults can come together, not only to create babies but also to experience a deep sense of pleasure and connection. It's an act of love and intimacy between adults who care deeply for each other.
2. How do babies get made?
Answer: Babies are made when a tiny part from a male body (sperm) meets a tiny part from a female body (egg). This might happen when adults decide they want to have a baby together. It's a special process that usually takes place inside a female body.
3. Where do babies come from?
Answer: Babies grow inside a special place in a female body called the uterus or womb. When a baby is ready to be born, it comes out through a passage called the birth canal/vagina.
4. What are private parts?
Answer: Private parts are the parts of our bodies that we might cover with underwear. It's important to understand that these areas are private and should not be touched by anyone without your permission. It's also important to remember that it's not okay to touch someone else's private parts without their permission.
5. How do babies eat and grow inside a mommy's belly?
Answer: Inside a mommy's belly, the baby is connected to her through a special cord called the umbilical cord. This cord provides the baby with all the food and oxygen they need to grow. The mommy's body takes care of the baby until it's ready to be born.
6. Why do people kiss and hug?
Answer: Kissing and hugging are ways people show love, affection, and care for each other. It's a way of saying, "I love you" without words. When people have strong feelings for each other, they may want to hug and kiss to express those feelings. Consent is always needed to show affection and love.
Open and honest communication is essential when it comes to addressing children's questions about sex. It's important to provide age-appropriate answers that respect their curiosity while maintaining their innocence. By offering thoughtful responses and being available for ongoing discussions, parents can help their children navigate this natural aspect of human development with understanding and sensitivity.
If you have any questions or need more information, make sure to book a free initial coaching session.
Marisol x